This is a girl.
Because for
a limited time only -
glamour shots by Deb
are 75% off.
I already get my hair cut
at the Cuttin' Corral.
Well, maybe you'd be interested
in some home-woven handicrafts.
I'm Rex -
founder of the Rex Kwon Do
Self-Defense System.
After one week with me in my dojo,
you'll be prepared to defend yourself -
with the strength
of a grizzly -
the reflexes of a puma -
and the wisdom of a man.
Come down today
for your free trial lesson!
In here we have
some boondoggle key chains.
A must-have for
this season's fashion.
I already made, like, infinity
of those at Scout camp.
Well, is anyone else here?
I'm trying to earn money
for college.
Your mom goes to college.
Let's bring in that...
Tina, you fat lard.
Come get some dinner.
Tina, eat.
Eat the food.
Eat the food!
It'd be nice if you could
pull me into town.