So, you got my back
and everything?
Never mind.
- Have you heard about the dance?
- Yes.
Have you met anyone to ask yet?
No. But I probably will
after school.
Who you gonna ask?
That girl over there.
She braided my hair one time...
Summer Wheatly? How the heck
are you gonna do that?
Build her a cake
or something.
Yeah, my old girlfriend
from Oklahoma -
was gonna fly out here
for the dance -
but she couldn't 'cause she's doing
some modeling right now.
Is she hot?
See for yourself.
Yeah, I took her to the mall to get
some glamour shots for her birthday one year.
- I like her bangs.
- Me too.
How long did it take you
to grow that mustache?
A couple of days.
I wish I could grow one.
Are you gonna eat your Tots?
Can I have 'em?
You see that girl
over there?
She came over to my house
the other day.
- Why?
- I don't know -