Napoleon Dynamite

Does that cost money every time
you're on, like for minutes on the phone?

Yeah. Grandma's still
payin' per minute.

She gets kind of pissed at me
sometimes 'cause I'm on there so long.

I'll bet she does.
I'd be throwin' you out the window.

- Bueno.
- Hello?

- Who's this?
- Napoleon Dynamite.

- Who?
- Napoleon Dynamite.

- I'm one of Pedro's best friends.
- Your name is Napoleon?

Yes. Is Pedro there?
No, he's not here
right now.

Okay, bye.
See, Crystal Street.
That's for you.

I'm goin'to Adams Park.
They got some money in Adams Park.

Let's go, Kipper.
I think we should take this -

- someplace a little more private.
- That's a good idea.

Please. Please. Be good to me.
Please, keep going.
Dead on. Dead on.

Before we get started on our new project,
I have a few concerns.

First off, I'm concerned about
your transportation situation.

I mean, do you... you got a car
you can borrow from someone?

Well, that's the problem
right now.

At the moment,
nothing comes to mind.

You can borrow my van for the time being.
I... I do better on foot anyway.

We also need some way to make us
look official, like we got all the answers.

How about some gold bracelets?
We need, like,
some name tags -

with our picture on it,
all laminated and whatnot.

I mean, we gotta
look legit, man.

That's true. That's true.
Say, you know of a... a place
we can get our picture taken -

like a... a photo store?
Turn your head
on more of a slant.

Now, make a fist -
