how does the "dealio"
sound to you?
Dang it.
- Is Trisha here?
- Oh, I'm sorry, she's not.
- She's at a friend's house right now.
- Well, hey, Napoleon.
- Napoleon's my nephew.
- Oh, that's nice.
Could you just give this
to her for me?
- I certainly could.
- Thanks.
Poor kid. I've been takin' care of him
while his grandma's in the hospital.
He still wets the bed
and everything.
You're kidding.
Yeah, he's a tender little guy.
He still gets beat up and whatnot.
Anyway, uh -
so we still feelin' pretty good about this,
uh, 32-piece set here?
What the crap was Uncle Rico
doin' at my girlfriend's house?
Napoleon, let go of me!
I think you're bruisin' my neck meat!
What the heck
are you guys doin'?
Tryin' to ruin my life
and make me look like a friggin' idiot?
I'm out makin' some
sweet moola with Uncle Rico.
Geez, I think
you ripped my mole off.
- I did?
- Yeah, is it bleeding?
A little bit.
Hey, Kip.
I wish you wouldn't
look at me like that, Napoleon.