National Treasure

Cos it's a prison.
Wait a minute. "Iron pen" - the "iron"
does not describe the ink in the pen,

it describes what was penned.
It was "iron" -
it was firm, it was mineral...

No, no, no, that's stupid.
It was... It was firm,
it was adamant, it was resolved.

It was resolved.
"Mr Matlack can't offend. "
Timothy Matlack was the official scribe
of the Continental Congress.

Calligrapher, not writer. And to make sure
he could not offend the map,

it was put on the back of a resolution
that he transcribed,

a resolution that 55 men signed.
The Declaration of Independence.
Come on, there's no invisible map on the
back of the Declaration of Independence.

That's clever, really.
A document of that importance

would ensure the map's survival.
And you said there were several Masons
signed it, yeah?

Yeah. Nine, for sure.
We'll have to arrange a way to examine it.
This is one of the most important
documents in history.

They're not just gonna let us waltz in there
and run chemical tests on it.

- Then what do you propose we do?
- I don't know!

We could borrow it.
Steal it?
- I don't think so.
- Ben...

the treasure of the Knights Templar
is the treasure of all treasures.

Oh, I didn't know that.

Look, Ben... I understand your bitterness.
I really do.

You've spent your entire life
searching for this treasure,

only to have
the respected historical community

treat you and your family
with mockery and contempt.

You should be able to rub this treasure
in their arrogant faces,

and I want you to have
the chance to do that.
