There's an Inuit village
about nine miles east of here.
- It's popular with bush pilots.
- All right.
- Then what are we gonna do?
- Start making our way back home.
No, I meant about Ian. He's gonna steal
the Declaration of Independence, Ben.
We stop him.
Is it really so hard to believe
that someone's gonna try to steal
the Declaration of Independence?
The FBI gets 10,000 tips a week.
They're not gonna worry about
something they're sure is safe.
But anyone that can do anything
is gonna think we're crazy.
Anyone crazy enough to believe us
isn't gonna want to help.
We don't need someone crazy. But one
step short of crazy, what do you get?
Excuse me.
- Dr Chase can see you now, Mr Brown.
- Thank you.
Mr Brown?
The family name doesn't get a lot
of respect in the academic community.
Huh. Being kept down by the man.
A very cute man.
Thank you.
- Good afternoon, gentlemen.
- Hi.
- Abigail Chase.
- Paul Brown.
- Nice to meet you.
- Bill.
Nice to meet you, Bill.
- How may I help you?
- Your accent. Pennsylvania Dutch?
Saxony German.
- You're not American?
- Oh, I am an American.
I just wasn't born here.
Please don't touch that!
Sorry. A neat collection.
George Washington's campaign buttons.
You're missing the 1789 inaugural, though.