What the...
Now we're getting somewhere.
They're digital scans of letters
to the editor of The New England Courant.
Written 1722.
They're all from the same person.
"Your humble servant, Silence Dogood. "
why is this word capitalised?
Because it's important?
Because it's a name.
OK, I got it.
When Ben Franklin was only 15 years old
he secretly wrote 14 letters
to his brother's newspaper
pretending to be a middle-aged widow
named Silence Dogood.
These letters were written
by Benjamin Franklin.
Looks OK.
- Park a couple of blocks away.
- Well, how long do you think we got?
I'm gonna give them a couple of hours
at least. I hope.
What do we do about her?
I've got some duct tape in the back.
No, that won't be necessary.
She won't be any trouble.
- Promise you won't be any trouble.
- I promise.
See? She's curious.
Here's what I got on Gates. A degree
in American History from Georgetown,
a degree in Mechanical Engineering
at MIT,
Navy ROTC and Naval Diving
and Salvage Training Centre.
What in the world did this guy
want to be when he grew up?
We keep our focus on Gates.
Run him to ground.
Compile a family-and-friends list.
Closest relative first.
I want to find out who this guy is.