National Treasure

Hey. What'd you score?
I found this.
Some kind of ocular device.
"The vision to see the treasured past. "
Let me take this.

Aw, they're like early American
X-ray specs.

Benjamin Franklin invented
something like these.

I think he invented these.
So, what do we do with them?
We look through it.
Here, help me.
- Careful.
- You think?

- What?
- It's just that the last time this was here

it was being signed.
- Ben, there's another tour coming.
- Turn it over.

- Careful.
- Spectacles.

What do you see?
What is it? Is it a treasure map?
It says, "Heere at the wall",
spelled with two E's.

Take a look.
Why can't they just say, "Go to this place,
and here's the treasure, spend it wisely"?

Oh, no.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, no.

How'd they find us?
Well, Ian has nearly unlimited resources.
And he's smart.

I don't think we can get out of here
without being spotted.

Well, we don't want them to have
the Declaration, or the glasses.

But we especially don't want them
to have them both together.

- So what do we do?
- We separate the lock from the key.

- We're splitting up.
- Good idea.

