National Treasure

then you'll come alone.
- Take positions.
- Perimeter looks normal.

- Can I get a status report?
- Crow's nest in position. Port side is quiet.

Copy that.
- Gates is on the flight deck.
- Eyes on Gates.

- Do not lose sight of primary mark.
- Brian, you're clear with NYPD.

- I have a visual.
- Gates.

Stay with the program.
I hope your agents are all under four feet
tall and wearing little scarves.

Otherwise Ian's gonna know they're here.
As soon as he shows you the Declaration,
we'll move in.

Don't try anything.
Just let us handle it.

You know, Agent Sadusky,
something I've noticed about fishing:

It never works out so well for the bait.
Sir, we've got some traffic incoming.
Looks like a sightseeing helicopter.

Unit two,
get an eyeball on that chopper.

Agent Michaels, get FAA flight plans
and authorization records on that craft.

If that's not Mr Howe,
I want to know who it is.

- I got him. He's coming from the north.
- Gates. Are you with me?

Well, I'm sure not against you,
if that's what you're asking.

We've got some interference
on Gates's mike, sir.

This I know.
Hello, Ben.
Thomas Edison needed only one way
to make a light bulb.
