Sound familiar?
- Keep sightlines clear.
- What's the devil's going on?
There's a lot of commotion.
We can't see Gates.
Go to the starboard observation point
behind the F-16 and here's what you do.
Gates? Gates?
Air Tour helicopter,
you are in controlled airspace.
Vacate immediately.
Who's got Gates?
- All agents, report in.
- I can't see anything.
- Did Gates speak to anybody?
- Target is moving.
- He's heading towards the stern.
- I've got him. He's coming this way.
Anyone got a view of our friend Ian Howe?
Lan Howe is not at the stern, sir.
Then why is he heading there?
He's at the observation deck.
I'm still not against you.
But I found door number three.
And I'm taking it.
- What's he talking about?
- Move in!
Move in! Move in on Gates!
Divers are a go.
- Snipers, go to action zebra.
- All teams, move in. Pursue at own risk.
- I repeat, pursue at own risk.
- You first.
Holy mackerel. He set us up.
Agent Dawes, do you have a visual?
Can you see Gates in the water?
Sir, it's the Hudson. Nothing is visible.
Smart fish.