National Treasure

- Just like that?
- Just like that.

You do know you just handed me
your biggest bargaining chip?

The Declaration of Independence
is not a bargaining chip.

Not to me.
Have a seat.
So what's your offer?
How about a bribe? Say...
ten billion dollars?
I take it you found the treasure?
It's about five stories
beneath your shoes.

You know, the Templars
and the Freemasons believed

that the treasure was too great
for any one man to have, not even a king.

That's why they went to such lengths
to keep it hidden.

That's right.
The Founding Fathers believed
the same thing about government.

I figure their solution
will work for the treasure too.

Give it to the people.
Divide it amongst the Smithsonian,
the Louvre, the Cairo museum...

There's thousands of years
of world history down there.

And it belongs to the world,
and everybody in it.

You really don't understand
the concept of a bargaining chip.

OK, here's what I want.
Dr Chase gets off completely clean,

not even a little Post-it
on her service record.

I want the credit for the find
to go to the entire Gates family,

with the assistance of Mr Riley Poole.
And what about you?
I'd really love not to go to prison.
I can't even begin to describe
how much I would love not to go to prison.

Someone's got to go to prison, Ben.
Well, if you've got a helicopter,
I think I can help with that.

Freeze! FBI!
