- Freeze! Don't move!
- Show me your hands!
- Put your hands up.
- Move, move, move.
You're under arrest, Mr Howe.
We've got you on kidnapping,
attempted murder...
and trespassing on government property.
Yeah. You got it, chief.
Thank you. Bye.
They want us in Cairo next week
for the opening of the exhibit.
They're sending a private jet.
That's fun.
Yeah, big whoop. We could have had
a whole fleet of private jets.
Ten per cent, Ben. They offered you
ten per cent and you turned it down.
Riley, we've been over this.
It was too much. I couldn't accept it.
I still have this splinter that's been festering
for three months from an old piece of wood.
OK, I'll tell you what.
Next time we find a treasure
that redefines history for all mankind,
you make the call on the finder's fee.
That's not as funny.
What do you care?
You got the girl.
- It's true.
- It's true.
Rub it in.
Enjoy your spoils...
while I sit on one per cent.
One stinkin' per cent.
Half of one per cent, actually.
One per cent. Unbelievable.
I'm sorry for your suffering, Riley.
For the record, Ben,
I like the house.
You know, I chose this estate
because in 1812 Charles Carroll met...
Yeah, someone that did something
in history and had fun. Great. Wonderful.
Could have had a bigger house.
- I made something for you.
- You did? What?
- A map.
- A map?
Where does it lead to?
You'll figure it out.