It was easy.
Killing a man to defend an idea...
isn't defending an idea, it's killing a man.
When it's all over, nothing is the same.
Violence leaves a deep scar.
A trace of the oblivion always remains.
The trust in the world
that terror destroys is irretrievable.
To see your fellow man turn on you...
breeds a feeling of deep-rooted horror.
Violence severs the lifeline.
A survivor is not only changed,
he's someone else.
The dream of survival becomes a nightmare
for he who is on the journey.
Each of us can become a danger for others.
The body is a potential weapon.
Knowing where we can be harmed,
each of us can harm another.
I know him!
It's Pierre Bergounioux.
We went to school together.
Show him into the manager's.
Yes, Mr. Ambassador.