Mahmoud Darwish...
you once wrote
that he who writes his story...
inherits the land of that story.
Do you not believe in the connection
that the Israeli people have with this land?
You say there's no more room for Homer...
and you are the Trojans' bard...
and you love the vanquished.
You're talking like a Jew.
Nowadays, that's seen
as something positive.
Truth has two faces.
We heard a story.
Sometimes we also heard
the Trojan victim speaking...
through the mouth of the Greek Euripides.
I'm looking for a Trojan poet.
Troy didn't tell its story.
I ask myself...
does a land...
that has great poets...
have the right to conquer a people?
Is the absence of poetry...
sufficient reason to defeat them?
Is poetry patriotic?