Can a people be strong...
without having its own poetry?
I was a child of a people...
that had not been recognized until then.
And I wanted to speak
in the name of the absentee...
in the name of the Trojan people.
There's more inspiration and humanity...
in defeat than there is in victory.
Even in defeat there is poetry.
And probably better poetry.
If I belonged to the victor's camp...
I'd demonstrate my support for the victims.
Do you know why
we Palestinians are famous?
Because you are our enemy.
The interest is in you...
not in me.
So we have the misfortune...
of having Israel as an enemy...
because she has strong allies.
So many we can't even count.
And we have the good fortune...
of having Israel as our enemy.
Because Jews are the center of interest
of the world.
That's why you've brought us
defeat and renown.
You defeated us.