Communism existed once.
Communism existed once,
for two times 45 minutes...
at Wembley Stadium...
when Budapest's Honved
beat England 6 to 3.
The English played individually...
the Hungarians played together.
Where do you think this photo was taken?
No, Richmond, Virginia. 1865.
The American Civil War.
North against South.
It was a peasant girl
during the Second Empire...
who claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary.
They asked what she looked like.
Bernadette said.: "I can't describe her. "
So the mother superior
and the bishop showed her...
plates of great religious paintings.
Raphael's Virgin, Murillo's.
Each time, Bernadette said.: "That's not her. "
And suddenly,
the Virgin of Cambrai came up.
An icon.
Bernadette fell to her knees.:
"It's her, Your Grace. "
No movement.
No depth, no artifice.
The sacred.