Don't move and
nobody wiII get hurt!
Outside! Quick!
Are we aIready in
Soviet territory"," comrade?
At Iast! I Iooked Iike my mother
or how she fancied her daughter-
I never met your mother","
nor your father-
I never knew you enjoyed
famiIy gatherings so much-
There are endIess shortages
in the Soviet Union---
even food-
But there is freedom and in the
future"," no one wiII go hungry-
This struggIe has no
return ticket"," OIga-
I've made up my mind-
I don't intend to return-
AII those months in prison---
I missed you-
ChiIdren and famiIy
are not for us"," Otto-
We went over aII that
before you were arrested-
You can fight aIongside me-
I fight aIongside the RevoIution","
not a man-
We want bread! We want jobs!
"Down wlth the go"v"ernment!"
We want bread! We want jobs!
Down with the government!