Leaving your famiIy for a
miserabIe BerIin suburb---
with peopIe you hardIy know","
is that the Iife you want?
AII those workers coming
to you for heIp---
I grew up seeing misery
caII on us every day-
How couId I be
immune to aII that?
Your way of speaking","
your extremism-
RebeIs rareIy make
good revoIutionaries-
What about you?
Whose side are you on"," anyway?
You give aIms"," yet defend
the government"," the rich!
Grand words won't change
the worId"," nor feed anyone!
This revoIution can onIy
bring more suffering---
UnfortunateIy"," poIitics is the
art of that which is possibIe-
So what do you suggest?
More aIms? Compassion?
Whose side are you on?
Yours"," chiId-
Father"," I don't know
what it is I want-
But I do know what I don't want-
Take care of yourseIf-