Between a speech here and
a parachute jump there---
you'II have IittIe
time to be a woman-
DiscipIine"," efficiency","
totaI dedication-
You'II be our perfect
-Have you any objection?
-No"," not I!
My name is EIise Ewert-
Sabo to my friends-
In Germany I heard much about
you and your husband---
ex-member of ParIiament
Arthur Ewert-
The revoIution in China","
the actions in the US---
and his differences
with the Party-
No greater madness than to
try and put the worId straight-
But doesn't the worId need that?
To make beIieve the dream is
possibIe is no easy task"," OIga-
I onIy hope you are successfuI-
Or at Ieast more successfuI
than most-