Forgive me for this
separation"," mother-
If at Ieast you couId
teII us something-
When do you expect
to get to BraziI?
The Iess I teII you","
the safer you'II be-
I know you have duties","
so I won't compIain-
I onIy wonder whether
this is the right time-
I'm afraid of what they might
do to you"," if you're caught-
-I'II be safe-
-You're a wanted man in BraziI-
President Vargas aIways wanted
either your support or your death-
You shouId stay Ionger in Moscow-
I don't want to Iive in
exiIe anymore-
It's time to return-
I've no more time to Iose-
I know your thoughts---
your feeIings---
every word-
Every gesture-
I'II aIways be with you-
Promise you'II never
Ieave mother aIone-