
Good morning!
I hope the Iong journey
isn't tiring you"," Senhora ViIar-

I'd never forgive myseIf-
At Ieast there are no
spies on board-

Funny"," but ever since
the Russian RevoIution---

there's aIways a hint
of conspiracy in the air-

-Don't you agree"," Herr Fischer?

The sea never tires me"," Captain-
It soothes me-

Even if we were in the middIe
of a war"," I'd feeI comforted-

That must be because
you Iive in Lisbon-

The Portuguese Iove the sea-
Forgive me my rudeness"," but---
are you a Jew?
What do you think?
No"," of course not-
Thank God!
Do you advocate the principIes
of Nazi Fascism"," Herr Fischer?

Like aII true Germans-
The Jewish bankers
ruined Germany-

They and the VersaiIIes Treaty-
EngIand and France wanted
to humiIiate us-

Fascism wiII protect us
from the Communists---

and we wiII be a great
nation once again-

Captain"," you're wanted
on the bridge-

Pity- The chat was as agreeabIe
as your company"," Senhora ViIar-

Do excuse me-
