Herr Fischer seems suspicious-
Another Nazi wanting an audience
for his dreadfuI speeches-
Where does such hatred come from?
And the Captain?
What do you think?
He was onIy trying to
drum up some attention-
-Whose attention?
-Didn't you notice?
-What are you taIking about?
Senhor and Senhora ViIar
don't exist-
It's fiction"," a Iie-
You'II catch coId-
I meant no offense by suggesting
other men's interest in you-
I know you're a seasoned
-You've no need to expIain-
-I'm not expIaining anything-
I don't want to taIk about this-
Why not?
I never had the time
for such things-
Never wanted to find time-
I worked"," Iooked after my mother
and my sisters-