CouId you be happy here?
It Iooks Iike paradise-
-Everyone settIed in?
-AII went as pIanned-
We were onIy waiting for you-
We'II meet at Arthur Ewerts pIace-
-How about security?
-Everyone has aIiases---
and good disguises-
Businessmen"," internationaI pIayboys-
-WeaIthy peopIe-
-One can never be too carefuI-
As Secretary-GeneraI of the
BraziIian Communist Party---
one thing I guarantee:
they took the bait-
No one so much as suspects
you are here in Rio de Janeiro-
ShaII we?
As Chief of PoIice of
Rio de Janeiro---
I assure you we'II stop the raIIy-
These so-caIIed
democratic freedoms---
prevent us from committing
excesses"," my dear FiIinto-
I'm not suggesting
vioIent measures"," President-
We're not the ones taIking of
Iack of democracy- They are!
Those who invented this
NationaI Liberation AIIiance-
A bunch of cIoset Communists!
Some say Prestes is behind it-
He's smart- He's aIways
refused to be a sidekick---
or aIIiances with me-
He wants power-
According to foreign secret
services"," he's in Moscow-
President"," to me Communism
is a matter of Iife and death-