the flght between those who
"wlsh to change thls country"---
and those who seek to perpetuate
"thls unequal lnhuman soclety"-
I've asked Ewert to consuIt
ManuiIski about my return-
Your return? I thought---
Someone eIse shouId Iook after
your safety-
I wasn't aware you were
so anxious to Ieave-
You knew I'd return when
my mission was over-
You may be needed here-
We're mixing work with
our personaI sentiments-
I thought you were happy-
-It was my fauIt-
I'II be more usefuI on
another mission-
Others need me more
than you do-
I hope this time you'II
at Ieast say good-bye-
It's no one's fauIt-
I need you-
Let me go-
I try"," but I can't-
I can't deaI with this joy","
this pain-
I can hardIy recognize myseIf
when I'm with you-
I Iove you-
I can't deaI with this-