I wiII do anything for you-
Even renounce the happiness
I feeI when you're near me-
I'II teII Ewert I agree
with your decision-
And we'II have no
further compIaints-
I have no regrets-
The struggIe being fought in BraziI
is between---
those wishing to set the country free---
on the one hand and"," on the other","
the traitors at the service---
of the imperiaIism of
the major powers!
Down wlth Fasclsm!
Down wlth Vargas!
"We want a popular"---
"natlonal and re"v"olutlonary"
Power to the Natlonal
Llberatlon Alllance!
Soclal justlce and
an end to mlsery!
There wiII be uprisings
throughout the country-
The British Secret Service fears
there wiII be an attempted---
---Communist revoIution in BraziI-
-The government must act now-
We cannot aIIow this chaos!
My dear War Minister","
my dear Chief of PoIice-
You cannot bring down
a country through ideas aIone-
This popuIar manifesto was
just the excuse we needed-
The NationaI Security Law wiII
IegitimateIy ensure order-