"We cannot walt any longer"-
Either we bring the revoIt to Rio","
or we abandon our peopIe in NataI-
It couId be a trap
set up by Vargas-
But the peopIe of Recife
aIready support us!
Moscow wants to know
our decision-
We are not ready to take
the revoIt nationwide-
We're not? If I remember","
you said in Moscow---
you couId organize
strikes and raIIies-
The report said the Communist
Party had infiItrated the army-
So it had! Many of the barracks
are ready for insurrection!
And wiII the army support
the revoIution?
Many of my former feIIow
officers stiII support me-
Without the peopIe's support","
victory is impossibIe-
The Party wiII caII for
a generaI strike-
If we don't act"," the government
wiII certainIy crack down hard-
It wiII crush the uprising
in NataI"," and arrest---
the more active miIitants
across the country-
Another chance Iike this won't come
up in years- Maybe ever again-
OIga"," I'm against it!
AII this onIy exists on paper!
GhioIdi couId be right-
Perhaps we shouId wait-
Wait? We've never been
so cIose to the RevoIution-
We can change this country","
change history!
When the revoIution starts","
even the Navy wiII support us-
-What do you mean?
-I have my sources-
The Navy wiII take power
aIongside us!
NOVEMBER 27TH"," 1 935
I assure you"," sir"," our troops
are IoyaI to the government-
The barracks of the 3rd
Regiment wiII be surrounded-
-It's an isoIated attack-
-And the Aviation Academy?
-If the rebeIs take the pIanes
-I doubt it'II Iast tiII nightfaII-