Are you aII right?
Don't be afraid-
These are doctors"," writers","
actresses"," workers-
No one wiII harm you-
My name is Maria-
Sabo is here-
They'II kiII Arthur!
The eIectric shocks wiII
start again!
First me"," then Ewert-
Me"," then Ewert-
What have they done
to you"," Sabo?
-Who sent you?
-I don't know-
I don't know-
When did you aII
arrive in BraziI?
Who sent you?
I don't know-
This prison won't change
who I am"," nor who you are-
You'II rot in here-
What wiII be Ieft of your pride?
Your dignity?
I'II be Iike so many in BraziI","
at the mercy of men Iike you-