
The Supreme Court has sentenced
OIga BenĂ¡rio to be deported-

Rumor has it the prisoners
wiII revoIt"," if that happens-

Any revoIt must be
crushed by force-

I'II send in as many
men as it takes-

What about Prestes' mother and
sister's internationaI campaign?

SeveraI countries and institutions
support it- They're not aIone-

Some say they'II even try
to intercept the ship---

if we send them back to Germany-
We won't touch Prestes
or his wife-

The internationaI authorities
can't accuse us of anything!

This ceII is the right
size for you-

A generaI without soIdiers","
without arms-

Without your wife-
We won't Iet them!
You're a Jew"," you can't be
sent to HitIer's Germany-

CountIess habeas reIief
petitions"," aII dismissed!

-The ruIing is finaI-
-We'II resist to the end-

They won't take you away!
Good evening"," Iadies-
The poIice are concerned
about Dona OIga-

We hear she isn't weII---
so we're moving her
to a hospitaI-

-A weII-equipped hospitaI-

You know better than I do"," if she
doesn't receive proper care---

---she's IikeIy to give premature birth-
-It's a Iie!
