OIga"," we can't Iet them
deport you to Germany!
It's inhuman!
You're not weII!
I'm scared FiIinto MüIIer wiII
use Prestes as a hostage-
To try and turn the situation
round- What if they kiII him?
Or storm the prison? I don't
want any more deaths!
We'II resist as Iong as we can-
I give you my word!
You wiII be taken to a hospitaI
and aIIowed to be accompanied-
F- MüIIer has given me permission","
if necessary-
-Accompanied by one of us?
-We give you our word-
Be brave"," Sabo-
You were aIways so brave-
Are you ready?
They reaIIy are taking us to the
hospitaI! I know this route!
Maria"," do you think the worId
wants to be changed?
Our convictions---