our dreams-
Do you reaIIy think the worId
wants to be changed?
I onIy know BraziI"," OIga-
And peopIe here are crushed by
misery"," negIigence"," and vioIence-
I'II never understand
this country-
The pIace where I found
happiness"," and Iost it-
We're at the hospitaI-
The hospitaI-
-Get into that van!
-I won't!
-You gave me your word-
-I know-
But orders are orders-
Take her!
-No! I'm staying!
-It's useIess to resist!
-It makes no difference-
-OIga! No!
You gave me your word!
La Coruna? Spain?
A 7-month pregnant woman
cannot board!
That's against aII maritime norms-
And I'm in command here!
The order was given by
President Vargas himseIf-
This prisoner is of maximum
interest to the Gestapo-
You must take both
prisoners on board-
Two prisoners?
There's another prisoner?