
I am yet another victim
of the Nazis-

Your granddaughter---
she has been born-

This birth wiII strengthen
our campaign!

Comrades around the
worId support us-

We'II be abIe to
send them food---

perhaps even visit
them in prison-

But the Ietter from the
Red Cross aIso warned that---

when OIga's miIk dries up"," she'II
be separated from her daughter-

They said we shouId
go to the Gestapo-

Perhaps if we had the
support of OIga's famiIy-

Her father is dead"," but her
mother"," Eugenie"," is stiII aIive-

They may not recognize our
reIationship with OIga---

but they won't be abIe to
ignore her mother-

There's no time to Iose!
I wiII go to the Gestapo-

And if Eugenie is the onIy person
who might be abIe to heIp---

OIga and my granddaughter
I shaII speak to her-

We'II free them both-
It's from OIga"," to you-
She caIIs you mother-
''Dearest mother---
"l do e"v"erythlng l can"
"for our llttle Anlta"-

"ln a way, our ll"v"es are reflected"
"ln thls llttle person"-
