lt ls so wonderful the
"way she feeds off me"-
lt's as lf l could pass on my
"past, my lo"v"e for Carlos"---
"through thls mllk"---
whlch ls the opposlte of all the
blood shed ln the world-''
"''l ha"v"e so much to tell"-
Today my llttle glrl took
"her flrst llttle steps"---
and laughed so much-''
''Her smiIe is so IoveIy it makes us
forget aII that is bad in this Iife-
OnIy humans are capabIe
of destroying a famiIy-
If onIy we couId aII
be together-''
As I said in my Ietter---
we came about OIga-
I'm onIy receiving you
out of poIiteness-
Since my husband died
I have not aIIowed OIga's name---
---to be mentioned in this house-
-But her Iife---
and that of our granddaughter
depend on your heIp-
I have no granddaughter-
OIga is no Ionger my daughter-
And that girI in the picture","
isn't she your daughter?
You can save her-