"''My llttle one"---
l hope at least thls
"note reaches you"-
"l'"v"e sent so many letters,"
"left unanswered"-
"l'"v"e recel"v"ed thls photo"
"of our llttle glrl"-
Anlta grows up safely, cared by
"my mother and slster LĂgla"-
"Not e"v"en the dlstance between"
"us can keep us apart"-
Yours, Carll-''
Good news?
My daughter-
Hope- There's hope-
Where can I find a broom?
This pIace is fiIthy-
-Come on"," Hannah"," Iet's cIean up-
-What's the difference?
If we don't Iook after ourseIves the
Nazis wiII do whatever they Iike to us-
They think we don't have
feeIings"," that we're nothing-
With no past"," no present","
and no future-