We're aII in the same boat---
and if we want to be
treated with dignity---
first we must act Iike human
beings"," and not animaIs!
I won't accept that-
WiII you?
WiII you?!
"l'm glad l ha"v"en't changed as"
"much as you'd ha"v"e llked"-
"Otherwlse, e"v"erythlng would be"
so much more dlfflcult for me-''
Anita! Come here"," my dear-
1 939
Anita"," you fiII me with
hope and Iife-
Let's read you mom's Ietter-
Look at OIga's handwriting-
I'm sure the Ietter is
fiIIed with Iove-
Love for you"," Anita-
ShaII we read it?
Dear Anita"," mother"," LĂgia---
I miss you aII so terribIy much-
I think of you every night"," my daughter","
and when I go to sIeep---
l lmaglne what lt would be llke
"to hold your llttle hands"---