Bernburg- That's a town-
OnIy their cIothes return-
Not the prisoners-
The whoIe camp is panicking-
The Jews have Iost their German
citizenship- They're defenseIess-
It couId be a new
concentration camp-
Do you reaIIy think it's
a new camp?
They can't kiII us-
They need our sIave Iabor-
Achtung! Attention!
Another 2","000 prisoners---
wiII be transferred to
the new Iabor camp-
Those who have been chosen shouId
step forward and form a new group-
They are as foIIows!
Are you aII deaf?
Faster"," I said!
l flnd lt lmposslble to lmaglne,
"belo"v"ed daughter"---
"that l wlll ne"v"er see you agaln"---
"or hold you ln my an"x"lous arms"-
"my lo"v"e"---
"must l renounce fore"v"er"---
"all the good thlngs you ga"v"e me?"