"that to the last lnstant"---
"you wlll ha"v"e no reason"
"to be ashamed of me"-
l want you to understand:
preparlng myself for death
"doesn't mean gl"v"lng ln"---
but knowlng how to face lt
"when lt comes"-
"Ne"v"ertheless, so many"
thlngs may yet happen-''
"''To the flnal moment"---
l shall remaln flrm
"and wlth a wlll to ll"v"e"-
"l klss you all for one last tlme"-
Dona Leocádia died
in June"," 1 943---
without ever seeing her son
Luis CarIos Prestes again-
Eugénie Benário died in---
the Teresienstadt concentration
camp"," in 1 943-
GetúIio Vargas"," eIected President
of BraziI for a second term---
committed suicide in 1 954-
Anita Leocádia Iives with
her aunt Ligia Prestes---
in Rio"," where she is
a university professor-
Prestes was freed by
the amnesty"," in 1 945","