Alright. Thanks for coming so quick.
You really need to get out.
I mean you look pale man.
and the place is like shit.
Look, go to a club, fuck a girl...
Let me get you some
psychedelic drugs.
You know I can get that shit.
Look I'm only saying that
because I care about you.
You're one of my best customers.
- Thanks.
- Call me if you need anything.
Look.. have you been putting
shit in my apartment?
Yes, packages with
nothing inside them.
Did you crawl through
the vent on the wall?
So, here we are...
- Simon.
- Hi.
I was wondering if you could turn
your music down a little,
I'm trying to work.
Work? It's Friday!
It's the week-end. No work.
Come and have a drink. And let's talk
about the neighbours. Come.