
You're somebody now.
You better get used to this.

- Oh, yeah? I'm somebody now?
- Yes, you are. You're somebody now.

- Now your game's about to start.
- It's a security risk.

I'm asking you nicely,
and I'm saying please.

Don't take pictures
of my son.

Okay. Okay.
- You got it, Bo.
- Thank you. I appreciate it.

I understand.
Sure thing, famous guy.
[ Crowd Cheering, Shouting ]
[ Whistles ]
- Good job, buddy.
- You were awesome.

- Thanks, Mom.
- I'm proud of you, son. You did a great job, buddy.

You did a great job.
- [ Shutter Clicking ]
- Son of a bitch.

Take him to the car.
What did I tell you? I said don't take
another goddamn picture of my family.

- You understand that? Not one more.
- Yeah? Kid takes a nice picture.

Won't bring half as much as the ones I have
of Abby changing Zach's clothes.

The steamy ones... by the pool.
- Oh, yeah?
- [ Groans ]

- [ Bo ] Huh?
- [ Woman ] Is that Bo?

Oh, are you gonna pay.
- [ Shutters Clicking ]
- Smile, Bo.

- [ Chuckling ]
- [ Photographer ] You get that?

- Ooh, in living color, chief.
- Cops are on their way.

- Bo!
- Hey, Bo.

Hey, big shot.!
Enjoy what's left of your weekend.
Let's go make some money.
- Oh, yeah? huh?
- [ Groaning ]

Wow. We're told Laramie was released
late Saturday afternoon...

ordered to attend
anger-management classes...

as part of a plea agreement.
