- Abby?
- [ Coughing ]
[ Coughing Continues ]
They said
that if we told anybody...
that-- they said they'd hurt Zach.
They're never gonna stop, Bo.
- They're never gonna stop.
- [ Whispering ] It's okay, baby.
I'm here, honey. I'm here.
[ Beep Dialing ]
- [ Line Rings ]
- [ Reggie ] Aegis Security.
Hey, Reg, listen,
I need you to do me a favor.
I need you to go down to the hospital
and keep an eye on Zach tonight.
- Hospital? Is Zach okay? What's going on?
- Hey, Reg. Reg.
I'll fill you in later. Okay?
Just make sure that nobody goes inside
of that room unless they're a doctor.
- It's done.
- If there's any problems, you call me.
- All right.
- All right. Thanks.
She's gonna be fine, Bo.
I gave her something to help her rest.
- Is there anything I should do?
- No, no, no.
Just let her rest. She'll sleep
a good 1 2 hours or more.
- I'll call tomorrow, see how she's doing.
- All right.
Listen, I appreciate you coming by.
Thank you.
- But if there's a change, I want to know.
- You got it.
- I'll call you.
- Okay.
How you doing, fellas?
How you doing, Mr. Laramie?
I'm Deputy Walker. This is Deputy Wilson.
Det. Burton said you might
need some extra security.
Just until things settle down.
- I appreciate you guys coming out.
- Happy to do it.
We're gonna be out here all night,
walk the perimeter every hour.
- Wife never got a look at the guy, huh?
- Nah, she didn't.
So, what's the plan? I know
you got something up your sleeve.
The idea of going in there,
was to protect ourselves.
If we were worried Laramie was coming
after us before, we have guaranteed it now.