about Scambonuses for
outstanding robot achievements...
...about robo-nursing
for depressed executives...
But what's the use? Do the children
really appreciate my hard work?
-WE do, boss.
And I won't let those little
termites destroy my creation...
Never! CABBY. Do you know what
bothers me most about children?
-They don't pay taxes?
-Worse. It's their...
-whiny little voices I can't --
-Hi Daddy.
Marlene!! Ha! You know you're not
supposed to barge in here.
''Hello, sweetheart. I'm so happy to
see you. Come give Daddy a kiss.''
I've got a hot new program for you,
robots. Want to try it out?
-Oh no... Don't!... No!!
-Don't, Marlene!
-Trust me, it's wicked.
-Please, no... not again...
Marlene, will you ever grow up!
You're ruining my robots!
You and your silly robots...
Who needs them anyway?
Kids need to play and have fun,
you know.
-Scamboville is fun.
-Not for us.
Nonsense. What? Haven't I created
special passageways...
just for kids to walk to
and from school?
You don't get it. Scamboville is
all about work and technology.
-There's no room for play.
-Of course there is.
Every building over thirty stories
has an authorized de-stressing room.
But nowhere for kids to be happy,
Daddy. We need our own space.
Your own space...
Contain all the children
in one single place?!
Yeah! What a brilliant idea!
-Alright. I'll build you one.
-You will?!
Yes. A place just for kids.
And I'll call it Scamboland.