Post coitum

where all your buttons
and clips and all that are.

I won't find them, I'll get depressed
and I won't get it up.
And then I'll turn you around,
I pull you closer
so you feel...

:13:18 erection on your crotch.
- Don't say,, crotch".
Why not?
- Don't know. It's weird!

Which anniversary this time?
First date, first kiss, or what?

You really don't know?
That's pretty sad, sweetheart...

- Jesus Christ! I can't take this any more!
Can't you just tell me
what event it is?

- Today is exactly 13 weeks
since our wedding.

- In a week it'll be 14!
Are you gonna bug me about it for
the rest of my life? Get out of here.

- But it's good that we keep
remembering it!

Dear God, what are you punishing me for?
- And what is our little honeybunch
doing here?

- Our little honeybunch is taking
a shit here! Close the door and get out!

God! At least one room
where I can get away from you!
You'll like it!
- And then what?

Then I'll caress your back and fanny...
- But this is my stomach!
- Then I'll lower myself down
and gently bite your nipples...
- Maybe harder...
- Then I'll lick your navel...
- Careful! It's pierced!
I thought you'd love me like this
for a year, maybe two

and then it'd be nothing special.
- But you keep worshipping me!
- But you are my goddess!

- Jesus Christ!
You should see a shrink!

You're totally hooked on me!
I can't take it.
