
But it was the girls' toilet.
Here's the coach. Have a look.
I have the entire German team. A gift
from my uncle. They're the best.

It's not their national team.
Look at mine. With an autograph!

Let me see. Wow!
- Here you go.
- You're a goner, you jerk!

Enough is enough!
Step up here,

- both of you!
- He spat on it.

I said something!
They're the ones who were pissing!
Hands out!
Come on!
Are you gonna keep fighting?
Somebody's after me...
I kill him in a deadly fight.
I wake up and know where I am.
Herds of apes and packs of dogs,
it's a wild beasts reserve,

so cruel that even God
won't help them...

Turn it down!
Here's the news.
This is the body
of Father Popieluszko.

Turn it down, I said!
Father Popieluszko
ran down the square.

Don't kill me, he shouted.
The Party will see to it that those
responsible for this crime are punished.
