Okay, when I showed you this,
tell him what you thought.
- You thought it was a joke, right?
- It is a joke.
Right, but how did you know?
Will you show him? Please?
This is how I get protein A
out of Aspergillus Ticor. We sweeten it.
We agitate it. We spin it around.
We sweeten some more.
- Takes about a month.
- To get the same amount I brought in.
To get the same amount I brought in.
So if it's an incubator for fungus,
is that valuable?
- That's not what it is.
- Then what is it?
There's another way to secrete
that much protein. Do it naturally.
But that takes a lot longer.
If it has a little moisture and it's left alone,
it'll start secreting and it'll build up...
- and build up, but it takes a long time.
- How long?
- A long time.
- More than a few days? Then how long?
To get the same amount of protein
that we have...
the amount that I was wiping off
every five days...
and five days later it would accumulate...
he says it would take about five to six years.
I don't want to belittle this guy.
So, I said screw it
and I put my watch in there.
- And?
- I want you to do it.
- Where is it? The box?
- I took it back to the shop.
- Wait, digital or old mechanical?
- Exactly. I did both.
- And what?
- I want you to do it.
We thought
that we were degrading gravity, right?
That we were blocking that information.
I think we're doing more than that.
I think we're blocking more than that.
When you were controlling the feed,
did you notice it was parabolic?
It's important. Parabolas are important.
Here, look at this.
I don't know, Abe.
I'm going to start it up
and let it run for 60 seconds...
with nothing in it. It's empty this time.
That's 22...
In all the equations that describe motion
and heat and entropy.