and when he comes out...
I would ram my fist
through the flat of his nose.
Just one good punch, one good pow.
- That's amazing. It's about time.
- That is so great.
Where did this come from?
You're always defending the guy.
- It's unnatural.
- I'd only do it if I knew that...
no one would find out or get hurt.
Like, I wish that there was a way
that I could do it...
and then I go back and tell myself not to.
Because I just want to know
what it feels like. That's all, really.
I'm so proud.
Finally, my husband, the hero.
- We can't do that.
- I know.
Did you call pest control?
Babe, they're birds. You don't want a bunch
of dead baby birds up there, do you?
- They don't sound like birds.
- She thinks there are rats in the attic.
But the idea had been spoken...
and the words wouldn't go back
after they had been uttered aloud.
So you are understanding this, right?
You don't have to sell me
on not doing this, okay?
- I don't think I told you...
- Even if you do stop yourself...
your double, from hitting Platts,
why would he, your double, get in the box?
And with no need for it,
no possible real-world application...
no advantage at all to be gained from it,
the idea stayed.
- How would you do it?
- I wouldn't.
- Just for fun.
- I still wouldn't.
- But what if there was a way to...
- Look, Abe, look.
I'm not going to pretend
like I know anything about paradoxes...
or what follows them, and honestly,
I really don't believe in that crap.
Kill your mom before you were born,
whatever. It has to work itself out somehow.
- I don't know.
- This is what I know for sure.
The worst thing in the world is to know
that the moment you are experiencing...
has already been defined,
that this is the second...
or third time through, or whatever.
And do you ever feel like...
I don't know, maybe things aren't right,
like maybe your life is in disarray...
or just not what you would like
and you start to wonder what caused this.