
So we go right now, do our business
at Platts', get back in the box...

and come back before
those kids set off those alarms.

All we really have to do is stand there
in plain sight. That should scare them off.

That way my double
sleeps through the night...

they don't have this conversation,
and they get in the box tomorrow as usual.

- They'll be changed. But...
- Yeah, but at least they'll get in the box.

Wait, how do we go back that far
if the machines haven't been running?

- Have they been running?
- Yeah.

I started going by at 5:00,and turning them on, 5:00 p. m.
I got tired of the whole
unanswerable question...

Are we doing this as an experiment
or are we doing this for me?

- A little of both.
- 5:00.

If we get this done by 3:00,
that's 10 hours in the box.

I've got the O2 tanks in the car.
- Is that...
- Is that Rachel's car?

No, that's not Rachel's, that's her dad's.
They have the same kind.

Did you see that?
That's Mr. Granger. That's Thomas.
He's sitting in that car.

I swear that was him.
What the hell is he doing...

sitting outside my house
at 2:00 in the morning?

I don't believe this.
What, is he following us?

- What are you doing?
- Let's just see what he wants.

No, let's just get out
of my neighborhood first. Come on.

- Did you see him today?
- No.

I did. I saw him this afternoon...
around 6:00.
Are you sure you didn't see him
when we drove past?

No, what?
I'm positive this afternoon
he was clean-shaven. I know he was.

He was ready to go to some function
with his wife.

He looks like he's got
a two or three-day growth now.

- Are you sure?
- No, I'm not sure, but I think so.
