Sometimes we do things
but don't know how we got to that point.
- No, I can't.
- Can't what?
I can't think of any reason why I would.
Well, I can't either.
What if it was an emergency?
- So you'd do it if it was an emergency?
- No, I don't know. What, so you might then?
I don't know. What kind of emergency?
The permutations were endless.
They tried again going to the source...
but even while keeping him separated
from Abe by two rooms...
Ask him his name.
...Granger's condition
could only be described as vegetative.
What did he say?
From this they deduced
that the problem was recursive...
but beyond that, found themselves
admitting, against their own nature...
and once again,
that the answer was unknowable.
- What do you think he changed?
- Not much.
We didn't have any contact with him
in the 3 hours he could've done anything.
I know he changed this. I know we weren't
having this conversation the first time...
so you don't know what we lost.
It really could not have been much.
It doesn't matter how much.
It just matters that it's changed.
I know what you're saying.
The question should have been...
what to do with the comatose man
in the guest bedroom.
But in Abe's mind
he was already compiling the list.
Two mg of oral triazolam...
every seven hours induces a safe sleep state
and a minimal metabolic rate.
At this continued state of rest...
the human body breathes
0.3 liters of oxygen a minute...
or roughly 2,000 liters in four days.
A Class E oxygen tank holds 625 liters.
To maintain hydration...
the body cycles through a minimum
of two-and-a-half liters of water per day.
Any food would be a luxury...
but the small tank
of medical grade nitrous oxide...
would be needed on the other side.
Past the room that contained their machines
and up two levels...
he made his way to another room...
where he had stored what I will refer to
from here on as the Failsafe Machine.