You can't cover 12 offices in a day.
Today finish the south.
Do the central tomorrow
The day after, north.
Your wallet.
You left it lying around?
There's not much money in it.
There must be other things,
it's so bulky.
It's full of these. (tobacco
Powder sachets)
Where will this address
be? North or South?
Lake Market. South.
Whose address is it?
Will it be near the
area I'm going today?
Yes it will. But whose
address is it?
You know the Person.
Ya, that way I know every one.
Tell me, where is it?
Is it business or just
a social visit?
I can't talk business here, alok.
If I could...
...then I wouldn't have
to go to so many PeoPle.
Someone I know?
Why get so livid, alok?
A childhood acquaintance...
He wants to visit her.
Give him the directions. Finished
She kicked him in the ass and
set uP home with someone else!
Come on, why should he go there?
Why not?
It's uP to him!
UP to him!
What about the time we sPent on him?
Took him to all the films in town.
Saw a film six times!
Why? Just to make
him forget that...
...that girl!
It's not all that easy, alok.
Then PeoPle wouldn't