No, I'll lose it.
I have to go to so many Places.
I'll definitely leave it behind.
But you'll get drenched.
Didn't I have a raincoat?
Give it to him.
Yes, but Govind uses that now.
Who is Govind?
Our domestic helP.
That's not a Problem
I really don't need it.
If you don't have any Problem
he's basically very clean.
I'm telling you, give it to him.
Why exPlain?
I'll just go once...
I'll see her and leave...
Two minutes, I Promise.
Are you still in touch?
Why are you going, Manoj?
You'll get uPset again.
I won't, trust me.
I remember everything.
You guys saw a movie
6 times just for me.
Am I that irresPonsible?
Just show the address once.
Here's your raincoat
I've Put Perfume on it.
Who do I thank? You or Govind?
Look, there's a Phone number
beside every name.
On toP, my office number...
our home Phone and mobile numbers.
Call me on the mobile
if you need to.
Shall I give him my mobile?
Coz, I'm at home.
No Ma'm, no need for a mobile.
If needed, I'll call from a booth
Where will you look for a
Phone booth in this rain?
Take this,
can you use a mobile?
I've never used one.
Show him.
All the best
- Thanks
It's very simPle.