
Suddenly I heard your bell.
Come inside.
So many years have Passed
since you came this way

I won't stay long.
Sit for a while. Let the rain stoP.
Shall I make some tea?
Do you have to make it?
Not much choice.
My servants always vanish
in the afternoon!

Won't you take that raincoat off?
Vanish? Where?
No idea.
After lunch I feel sleePy.
I tell them to stay around,
there may be some urgent letter,
some courier.
They hardly listen.
Even bought them a TV...
still they sneak out to Play cards!
I woke you uP at the wrong time.
What do you mean?
I would have got uP anyway.
Were you ringing the
bell for a long time?

Not really.
Won't you oPen the windows?
The rain will come in.
Put a light on at least...
can't even see you ProPerly.
And what kind of a furniture
- godown have you made here?

No room to move!
That's the Problem of being married
to an aristocratic family.
You won't understand.
Plenty of old furniture
all aPParently antique.
Not a single Piece
can be thrown out.
