Travel once or twice, you'll learn.
He can't be in meetings 24 hours?
Your husband should
have some free time.
He keePs insisting...
Earlier he always said,
'come with me'.
Then what?
In aPril he went to London.
He said, 'I have work till Friday...
...you reach by then...
...we'll sPend the
weekend together'.
And you didn't go
Why? Too exPensive?
No, no. That's borne by the office.
That's the advantage
in a good comPany.
Once a year with family.
Then why didn't you go?
God! Such a huge Plane...
such a long journey...
PeoPle die to go to London
and here you're scared!
Can't tell everyone everything,
I'm telling you.
It's so scary!
Such a long journey,
suPPosing I have to go to
the bathroom on the Plane
Planes have good bathrooms.
They're not dirty, like in trains.
Haven't you seen them in films?
That's not the Problem.
If I can't oPen the lock and
get stuck in the bathroom,
How will I call for helP?
I don't even know that much English!
So, you don't go abroad because
you might get stuck in the bathroom
You haven't changed at all, Niru.
Thank god I haven't.
If I had really changed
and refused to recognise you?
For a moment I thought as much.
The way you kePt me waiting outside.
Before oPening the door,
one has to find out.